Monday, April 4, 2011

Unimportant details

Ok, let's get the small unimportant details out of the way. The (very tentative) itinerary:

April 5-6: Flying SFO-Munich-Kiev. Spend the night in Kiev and meet with our third travel companion, Katie.
April 7: Lovely breakfast in Kiev. Temperatures in the brisk 30s-40s. Flight to slightly warmer Tbilisi, Georgia
April 7-12: Georgia and Armenia. Somewhere.
April 12: Katie leaves us for Moldova and we fly to Istanbul
....Dates at this point get fuzzy....
- Istanbul and maybe somewhere else in Turkey
- Bulgaria
- Romania
- Moldova. Visit Katie and do other stuff
April 28: Amy flies out of Kiev. We've left Katie behind in Moldova
Next few days: I visit my sister in my hometown of Kharkov, Ukraine
A little after that: I travel through Ukraine to possibly L'viv or Odessa and hopefully Southern Poland
May 10: I fly Kiev-Frankfurt-SFO
May 11: After getting in at 8pm the night before with a 10-hour time-difference and jet lag, I show up to work. Productivity ensues

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