Monday, April 18, 2011

Braşov, Romania

We arrived in Braşov, Romania yesterday after an almost full day of riding in:

1. taxi to train station
2. train to Bulgaria-Romania border
3. train from border to Bucharest
4. train from Bucharest to Braşov5. late-night taxi to hostel

This morning though we woke up to delightful free hostel breakfast and spent a diligent several hours walking around Braşov (during which we succeeded in taking in almost every major sight in town). Of course, pictures of the sights and food are below. Tomorrow, we aim to visit Dracula's castle and take an overnight bus to join Katie in Moldova.

Brasov seems to have a bike-renting program! How progressive and awesome

It is an unbelievably picturesque town. Although I now notice the KFC in this picture...

This is the narrowest street in Eastern Europe.

Amy enjoying the traditional Romanian tripe soup. It's so bad we couldn't finish it.

What Lonely Planet calls, "one of the nicest squares in Eastern Europe"

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