Saturday, April 16, 2011

Istanbul to Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

The first thing we ate in Bulgaria is this salad called Vivace. We conservatively estimate that about twenty carrots went into it.

The restaurant had an excellent view of the river and the town, Veliko Tarnovo.

Amy and I worked out an avant-garde picture of the Soviet-style train.

We were very excited about our overnight train between Bulgaria and Turkey.

Amy was equally excited.

Back in Turkey, a winter drink called sahlep. It is sweet, milk-based and thick. Very comforting.

A döner in Turkey is thinly sliced meat off a rotating spit (think shwarma). This is a chicken döner.

An extra-weird Turkish dessert called kazandibi (link is in Turkish). It is actually quite tasty but is a sweet pudding with ice cream on top. One of the ingredients of the pudding is chicken. It essentially tastes sweet and good with just a hint of chicken after-taste.

Amy excited about the cheese rolls and iskender kepab.

A Turkish specialty: iskender kepab. It is thinly sliced meat, buttered bread under it and yogurt on the side.


  1. You look like you are having so much fun. Moldova will be such a let down! Haha!!

  2. All these food pictures are making me hungry. :)
