Monday, April 25, 2011

Moldova Days 1 and 2 photos

Bell tower in Chisinau

Chisinau's Arc de Triomphe

Chisinau City Hall

Puppies we found in a field in Hincesti

View towards Katie's house, near her work

Decorated well

Katie's work

The room outside of Katie's work (her office was too small to take a picture of)

The park and lake

Outiside the awkward restaurant

Sheep crossing the main road in Hincesti

Katie's cat Marquis

Katie's dog Dasha

Me and the chicken

Katie's yard

Yuliya and Marquis

Bees in Katie's yard

View of Katie's house from the yard. The chicken coop is on teh left and the well is to the right of the main house

Homemade plant tea

Katie's basement

Red and white wine in Katie's basement



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