Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tour of Kiev

A giant traditional Ukrainian painted Easter egg made of actual painted Easter eggs. A modern artist created it for the courtyard of a Kiev church.

A Crimean Riesling. Unfortunately not very good.

A very tall monument in Kiev. That's a giant woman up there.

Poppy seeds are very popular around here. So popular that one restaurant stuffed blintzes with them.

We were not permitted to enter the famous cave monastery of Kiev until we purchased head garments. These were the cheapest. The cave monastery itself was creepy. You lit your way with a candle and were surrounded by glassed-in mummified bodies of monks. They were generally covered but the occasional mummified hand was visible in the half-darkness. Everyone around us would crouch by each glass box, murmur a prayer and then kiss its top. Creepy all around.

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