Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Some pics from Odesa

Amy and I got into Odesa after a quick and painless border crossing from Moldova and a 3.5 hour bus ride. That now seems like an awfully short bus trip. Odesa is a Ukrainian city right on the Black Sea known for its liberal bent and carefree attitude. I referred to it as the "San Francisco of Ukraine". Amy thought that was too much. But seriously, we saw actual hippies with dreadlocks (in plural!), a circle of young people dancing capoiera, guys with earrings and Afro-Russians (in plural!). Where else in Ukraine could such a liberal town exist?

A bridge in Odesa is the traditional place for a couple to place a padlock declaring their love. If they break up they are obligated to return and take off the lock.

Look! Even English-speakers.

Nice view of the Black Sea.

Inexplicable sculpture

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